Moderator rulings

Unit standard 14995


Point four of the special notes of the unit states: Drawings must meet NZS/AS 1100.101:1992 Technical Drawing – General Principles, which is available at: However, this standard is no longer available on Standards NZ.


This ruling allows for standard NZS/AS 1100.101:1992 Technical Drawing – General Principles to be replaced with the abridged version of the standard, which is: SAA/SNZ HB1: 1994, Technical Drawing for students.

Unit standard 14996


The explanatory notes allow for either hand drawn or CAD drawings. If going with CAD, E.R. 1.2 and 1.3 become irrelevant.


This ruling allows for E.R.1.2 and 1.3 to be exempted from the assessment if CAD drawing are used.

The following exceptions have been applied to to the assessment of unit 18903 v2 (L3, C4)

Unit standard 18903 v2 (L3,C4)


Performance criteria 1.2 refers to z-tooth where it should have been z-saw.


This ruling replaces the term z-tooth with the term z-saw.

Unit standard 26327 v3 (L3,C7)


Performance Criteria 2.1 range statement refers to nomenclature.


This ruling omits assessment on this item from the range statement.

Whilst the criteria will remain the same in the range statement, learners are not required to include nomenclature in demonstrating their knowledge of ducting and duct fittings. This is because it has been determined that six ducting parameters instead of seven are sufficient for the unit standard.

Unit Standard 25569 v4

Issue 1

Reference has been made in the guidance information section of the unit standard to: AsureQuality Ltd; Common Insects & Fungi that affect Logs & Sawn Timber in New Zealand (2007). Available from AsureQuality at; however this reference is no longer available.


This ruling allows for the reference to be overlooked for this unit standard. Adequate guidance information for assessors has been provided in the assessment information section of the unit standard.

Issue 2

Reference has been made in the guidance information section of this unit standard to: New Zealand Wood website available at; however this reference is no longer available.


This ruling allows for the reference to be overlooked for this unit standard. The information required from this reference is covered in the workbook.