Fire Protection Engineering

Career information

Sound like you?

Study areas
  • English or Media or History
  • Maths or Accounting or Economics
  • Sciences or Workshop Technologies
  • Computing/ICT/Information Management.
  • Strong eye for detail
  • Confidence with IT, computers, technology
  • Good work habits/time management
  • Good at problem solving/creative.
Helpful experience
  • Customer service or helping people
  • Making or fixing things.
Preferred work environments
  • Inside (retail or shop)
  • Inside (office environment)
  • Inside (workshop or plant)
  • Lots of different places every day.



These can be useful from school:

Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:

  • Maths
  • Science (physics)
  • Technology (metal work)
  • English.
Entry level jobs


  • Fire Protection Engineer
Advancing jobs

Higher learning

  • Team Leader
  • Supervisor.
Senior jobs

Higher learning

  • Business Manager
  • Business Owner

What do they do?

Fire protection engineers deal with fire safety equipment used in commercial buildings. They survey, select, install, commission and maintain head-operated firefighting equipment and protection and detection systems.

A typical day

Sometimes an eight-hour day; sometimes on shift work rosters or on call.

Work can include discussing clients' fire protection needs and surveying their fire risks as well as selecting, commissioning and maintaining firefighting and fire safety equipment (from hand-operated tools to entire protection and/or detection systems).

The logistics sector needs skilled people

Learn more on the qualifications available.

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