Metal Forming/Casting

Career information

Sound like you?

Study areas
  • English or Media or History
  • Maths or Accounting or Economics
  • Sciences or Workshop Technologies
  • Computing/ICT/Information Management.
  • Reasonable strength and fitness
  • Confidence with IT, computers, technology
  • Good work habits/time management
  • Good literacy and numeracy skills
Helpful experience
  • Making or fixing things
  • Working with machinery.
Preferred work environments
  • Indoors (workshop or plant).



These can be useful from school:

Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:

  • Maths
  • Science (physics)
  • Technology (metal work)
  • English.
Entry level jobs


  • Foundryman
  • Pattern Maker
  • Mould Maker
  • Metal worker
  • Metal Forger
  • Blacksmith
  • Metal Extruder
  • Metal Worker.


Advancing jobs

Higher learning

  • Specialist Engineer
  • Supervisor
  • Leading Hand
  • Workshop Supervisor
  • Welding Supervisor.
Senior jobs

Higher learning

  • Foreman
  • Site Supervisor
  • Business Manager
  • Business Owner.

What do they do?

Metal casting engineers produce parts from molten metal and test, control and adjust the chemical make-up of the metal. They use traditional and modern techniques and a high level of skill.

A typical day

Normally an eight-hour day; sometimes working longer may be required.

Work can include reading, interpreting and creating design drawings, producing replicas, before making moulds, selecting the metals, inspecting, testing and repairing castings, then tempering, hardening, polishing and coating the final product.

You will learn about all sorts of materials; metals, woods, clays, plastics and resins.

The logistics sector needs skilled people

Learn more on the qualifications available.

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