
Career information

Sound like you?

Study areas
  • English
  • Maths or Accounting or Economics
  • Food or Nutrition
  • Physical Education or Health.
  • Confident communicator
  • Good literacy and numeracy
  • Good initiative/‘can do’ attitude
  • Good work habits/time management.
Helpful experience
  • Customer service or helping people 
  • Working with machinery
  • Working with computers.
Preferred work environments
  • Indoor (workshop or plant)
  • Outside
  • Different place from time to time.



There are no minimum entry requirements.

Entry level jobs


  • Cellar hand
Advancing jobs

Higher learning

  • Cellar Master/Cellar Supervisor
  • Specialist Technical Advisor
  • Winemaker
  • Production Manager.
Senior jobs

Higher learning

  • Teacher/Tutor
  • Business Manager
  • Business Owner.

What do they do?

Cellarhands process picked grapes and ensure wine production is high quality and ready for bottling. They work alongside the winemaker who manages and monitors all stages of the winemaking process.

A typical day

Typically an eight-hour day or shift work.

During the vintage from February to April, they evaluate grape quality, operate crushers and pressers, and manage the first stage of wine processing. During the rest of the year they filter, operate cross flows, control chemical additions and work with the winemakers to ensure the blend of the wine meets specification.

The logistics sector needs skilled people

Learn more on the qualifications available.

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